There was a mysterious jump on the truck plates. Lately I've seen many BC, BD, and BE's out on the road. Then out of no where comes a BH. On the car side it's not abnormal to see a two letter jump because there are just so darn many cars (even in Texas!). Like just the other day a CY popped up before I had recorded CW. No biggie. I know the CW's are out there. I just haven't seen them yet.
Going back and looking at my notes about order (yes I keep notes).
- AV well before an AU.
- CF before a CE
- BV before BT, the BV had a guy looking at a map in a passenger seat. I can surmise it was an out of town car, possibly even a rental. In hind site this BV before a BT is even less interesting now that I'm sure there are no BU.
Unrelated note: In an effort to cross promote things I do I'm posting a link to my other site, Not that I think it will get any hits from here (or anywhere) I'm just throwing it out there. The subjects there are arguably less lame than this blog.